
About Us

Topline can provide a total solution engineered to give you 100% satisfaction whatever your water chemistry needs
Our range of high quality products are designed and manufactured at our facility in Hailsham and fully supported on site.

Dedicated to meeting your individual needs, Topline will be pleased to discuss your requirements and recommend the ideal solution. We offer first class training and advice in all aspects of pool water operating conditions. Should you have any queries or are experiencing any difficulties, Topline will provide support to resolve them ---- fast.

With exceptional customer service built into our high quality products, Topline offers an unbeatable range of industry solutions.


  • Automatic Multiport Valves

  • Chlorine Generator

  • CO2 dosing system

  • Controlling Chemical Dosing

  • Electric Agitator

  • LED Underwater light units

  • Pool Filtration System Training

  • Pool Water Testing Training

  • Praher Automatic Valves

  • Spa rest period timers

Topline Electronics Ltd has 12 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 12 Products

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  • Topline Emergency Response

  • Now you see it

  • and you’re back in the room.

Topline Electronics Ltd has 3 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 3 of 3 News



  • Tec3000 data sheet


Topline Electronics Ltd has 2 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 2 of 2 Documents