“A lot has changed in the last year because of the new stage,” said Furie. “We are trying to emulate what is happening on the bleeding edge of the industry so students are exposed to what they need to know. Vicon is the standard in the mocap arena and students must understand how this technology integrates into all facets of the industry - not just simply mocap and body capture for narratives but also for previs, virtual production, virtual cinematography, game development, etc. It’s a core part of how work is done and high profile companies need skilled talent.”
With a curriculum initially developed to expose students to motion capture, USC has been able to broaden course offerings to include an advanced course building on the fundamentals learned in the intro course. A virtual production and interface design class are just two of many mocap-focused courses currently in development at the school, and a visit to the mocap stage has been integrated into many other areas of academia such as history and science with faculty recognizing the advantages of having such technology at their disposal.
“Just like any other technology, mocap is a tool to help implement a filmmaker’s vision,” Furie added. “We are only beginning to scratch the surface of what is possible across platforms and it’s crucial students really grasp how to use this technology. USC’s mocap stage and corresponding courses are designed to give students the practical knowledge they need to be successful.”
Eric Robbins, a MFA student in Film and Television Production, was initially attracted to USC because of the school’s affiliation with top-level filmmakers. With aspirations to direct, Robbins became interested in motion capture technology with the release of Avatar. He has completed both of USC current course offerings that heavily rely on mocap technology, “Fundamentals of Motion Capture” and “Performance Capture.” Robbins is now in the process of completing his thesis, a live-action short film for which he generated previs using a Vicon system.
“Even a basic understanding of motion capture technology is greatly beneficial in filmmaking and a little technical knowledge goes a long way,” explains Robbins. “On-set there is a lot going on which can be distracting and chaotic. By separating some of the components without the pressures of time through mocap, you can focus on the more artistic side of directing. You can also use mocap for previs to block and plan your shoot ahead of time, which saves time and money. Exposure to this technology and being able to use USC’s Vicon systems have been essential to my education, and has ultimately made me a better filmmaker.”
Visit the Vicon Motion Systems Ltd website for more information on VICON TECHNOLOGIES GIVE USC STUDENTS HANDS-ON MOTION CAPTURE EXPERIENCE