
Pat Test Statement


In some instances, common practice PAT testing guidelines do not easily translate into good working practice for some companies and Video Vision is one such company. Our equipment can be extremely varied (which in itself could be interpreted by the guidelines of course), but, for us the frequency of use and use locations can vary wildly. In addition to this, the unsightly ‘test passed’ stickers and the associated adhesive residue (with additional health issues associated with these stickers) make the standard ‘method’ commonly adopted by many companies as not being suitable. In addition the frequency of testing varies on such a wide number of varying parameters that we have adopted a method to ensure that our equipment is always safe and in fact ‘over tested’. The method we adopt is to check and test ALL of our equipment (including detachable mains leads) as they enter our storage facilities as part of the cleaning, re-packing and checking procedure and before being committed to storage (or in some cases repairs and further testing when deemed necessary of course). This testing is by both electrical tests and visual checks as laid out by the guidelines. The dates of checking are clearly located on the outside of ALL the packing cases AND by whom carried out the packing / checking. This would always apply to all items in that case. PAT testing (as a part of the above) is carried out by suitably competent individuals in accordance with the current legislation. Upon packing a job prior to delivery (as in, prior to leaving our warehouse), these ‘item checked’ dates would be cross checked and if found to be over 28 days old, the PAT test would be repeated as part of the job packing and equipment allocation process. No Pat test stickers are ever applied directly to the equipment or detachable mains leads as clearly this system is both unworkable and cosmetically unattractive. It is by the method we use that we can be certain that no item is ever delivered to a customer which has not been tested within the previous month and in most cases much less than 1 month.

Visit the Video-Vision website for more information on Pat Test Statement


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