NOV and SIFCO ASC Partner for Successful Completion of Unscheduled Repair
SIFCO Applied Surface Concepts (ASC), the world leading supplier of selective plating technology and solutions, worked together with the world leader in oilfield products and services, National Oilwell Varco (NOV) to repair critical damage caused by lightning strike on the Ensco 8505 drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico within 24 hours of arrival on site, preventing costly unplanned downtime.
Significant damage was caused to the crown mounted compensator (CMC) cylinder when lightning struck the rig. The CMC is a device used to apply a constant tension to the drill string and compensate for any rig movement. The impact of the lightning strike caused a substantial gouge, the size of a coin, on the CMC cylinder. Without immediate repairs the damage would cause the cylinder seals to leak, resulting in hydraulic fluid loss and the threat of significant lost production.
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